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Rene Silva, Digital Activism and Community Action

In Rene Silva, Digital Activism and Community Action, we’re presented to the cunning mind behind Voz das Comunidades, a horizontal communication vehicle acting in various Rio communities, informing about the daily issues pertinent to favelas, articulating bridges between residents, public power, private initiatives and big media, promoting a series of humanitarian and cultural actions. In November 2010, while Brazil followed on TV the occupation of Complexo do Alemão by the armed forces, a young resident of the favela tweeted live, and first-hand, the steps of the police operation, revolutionizing journalism about favelas and gave voice and center stage to the communities’ residents.

About the intervieweed
Rene Silva was born in the Complexo do Alemão, in 1994. In 2005, at 11 years old, he created Voz das Comunidades, where he wrote small pieces about the favela. He was considered one of the world’s most influent Black people by Mipad, a New York organization.

About the collection’s editor
Marcus Faustini was born in Santa Cruz, Rio de Janeiro. His thirst for culture motivated him, from a young age, to move around the city, resulting in his book Guia afetivo da periferia (2009), where he tells the stories of his youth in the Rio periphery. With a Bachelor’s degree in Theater from CAL, Faustini is also a filmmaker and creator of Agência de Redes para a Juventude, a methodology developing young leaders from Rio’s and England’s peripheries to create projects that impact their areas.

About the collection
Thinking from the Margins reveals, through interviews, the universe and the ideas of artist-activists and how their projects and actions reinvent terrains.

Collection Thinking from the Margins
Intervieweed Rene Silva
Editor Marcus Faustini
Commentators Paulo Sampaio, Frederico Coelho and Isabel Diegues
Language Portuguese
Page count 88
ISBN 9786556910093
Cover Leticia Quintilhano
Format Softcover
Size 13 x 19 cm
Year 2020

Rene Silva, ativismo digital e ação comunitária | Rene Silva, Digital Activism and Community Action
Rene Silva, ativismo digital e ação comunitária | Rene Silva, Digital Activism and Community Action
Rene Silva, ativismo digital e ação comunitária | Rene Silva, Digital Activism and Community Action
Rene Silva, ativismo digital e ação comunitária | Rene Silva, Digital Activism and Community Action
Rene Silva, ativismo digital e ação comunitária | Rene Silva, Digital Activism and Community Action
Rene Silva, ativismo digital e ação comunitária | Rene Silva, Digital Activism and Community Action





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