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Cicadas, grasshoppers, cockroaches, praying mantises, beetles, moths, butterflies, mosquitoes, termites, flies and ants. In Insects, Jô Bilac gives voice to bugs to approach contemporary social and political issues. In a fable, through an insect polyphonic spree, the humorous text draws parallels between nature and human dilemmas, revealing collective and individual behaviors. Through the scenes, cohabitation, fear and manipulation make the collapse inevitable. The play, written by Jô Bilac and performed by Cia. dos Atores under the direction of Rodrigo Portella, celebrates the Rio de Janeiro troupe’s 30th anniversary.

We use nature’s imbalance as a mirror for society” – Cesar Augusto, one of the company’s founders.

This book presents the play illustrated so the reader can follow the movement of insects flying through the pages.

About the author
Jô Bilac was born in 1985, in Rio de Janeiro. In 2006, he graduated from the Martins Pena theater school. He’s a prizewinning playwright, having written, for example, Conselho de Classe (School Council), 2013, published by Editora Cobogó, which won the Cesgranrio and APTR awards for best writing, and was nominated for an APCA. He also wrote Savana glacial (Glacier savannah), 2012, (Shell Award), Fluxorama, 2016 (nominated for an APCA), Beije minha lápide (Kiss my tombstone), 2014, (nominated for Shell, APTR and Cesgranrio), all of which were presented in various Brazilian and foreign cities, such as Bogota, London, New York, Paris and Stockholm. Fluxorama was published by Yale University. His writing was also published in Sweden, Italy, France and Colombia. Jô Bilac was the curator of theaters Maria Clara Machado, Sérgio Porto and Glaucio Gil, and is part of Cia. Teatro Independente. Considered one of the most prominent names in the new Brazilian theater, he was nominated for a Faz Diferença O Globo award in the theater category in 2011 and 2013.

About the company
Created in 1988, Cia. dos Atores is currently Cesar Augusto, Gustavo Gasparani, Marcelo Olinto, Marcelo Valle, Susana Ribeiro and Bel Garcia (in memoriam). With over twenty plays performed, numerous awards and a solid national and international career, Cia. dos Atores is in a path of permanent research and renovation. After performing prizewinning play Conselho de Classe, also written by Jô Bilac, Insects celebrates the company’s 30th anniversary.

About the collection
The Dramaturgy Collection has, since 2012, published writing by Brazilian and international playwrights. The books help in building a memory of current theater, making a new record in the contemporary theater scene.

Collection Dramaturgy Collection
Author Jô Bilac
Company Cia. dos Atores
Language Portuguese
Page count 184
ISBN 9788555910593
Format Softcover
Size 13 x 19 cm
Year 2018

Insetos | Insects
Insetos | Insects
Insetos | Insects





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