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República em notas

República em notas, edited by Vanessa Campagnac and Gabriella Lotta, collects analyses on the main issues relating to the Brazilian government. Drawing from the online column of Instituto Repú, and featuring previously unpublished essays, the book’s 25 authors explore themes such as democracy, diversity, public budget, bureaucracy, people management and public workers.

Presenting multiple perspectives on the field of study and the practical experience of professionals from different areas in the country, the book intends to diversify the reflections and debate around public management in Brazil. The result is a broad outlook on the challenges to face, including various well-grounded diagnostics and solid proposals to improve the Brazilian State and democracy.

About the editors
Vanessa Campagnac holds an undergraduate degree in Social Sciences from Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Uerj), a master’s degree in Population Studies and Social Research from Escola Nacional de Ciências Estatísticas (ENCE/IBGE) and a PhD in Political Science from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). She has nearly twenty years of experience in social research, with a focus in public management, social participation and sectoral public policy, and she has acted as a researcher at the Instituto de Segurança Pública (ISP-RJ) for over ten years. She’s part of the female leaders network at Columbia University, and she’s the current data and communications manager at Repú Since 2022, she has worked as the editor for the online column República em notas.

Gabriela Lotta is a professor of Public Administration and Government at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) and the vice-president of the board at She has been a visiting professor at Oxford (Blavatnik School of Government), Aalborg (Denmark), at Universidad del Chile and at PUC Peru. She holds a PhD in Political Science from USP, and a master's and an undergraduate degree in Public Administration from FGV. She acts as the coordinator of the Núcleo de Estudos da Burocracia (NEB) and a professor at Escola Nacional de Administração Pública, ENAP. She's also a researcher at Centro de Estudos da Metrópole (CEM). In 2021, she was named as one of the 100 most influent scholars in the world in the field of government by Apolitical.

Title República em notas
Authors Alex Cavalcante Alves, Ana Flávia Barros, Andréa Heloisa da Silva Soares, Audo Araújo Faleiro, Bárbara Cardozo, Cilair Abreu, Dolores Teixeira de Brito, Felix Lopez, Gabriela Lotta, Iara Alves, Igor Novaes Lins, Isabela Gomes Gebrim, Isabela Tramansoli, José Celso Cardoso Jr., Juliana Rocha Miranda, Maria Aparecida Chagas Ferreira, Marina Meira, Michael Cerqueira, Rafael Leite, Rafaela Seixas Fontes, Regina Luna Santos de Souza, Renan Magalhães, Renata Giannini, Vanessa Dolce de Faria, Victoria Lacasa, Virgínia Bracarense Lopes
Dust jacket text Francisco Gaetani
Language Portuguese
Page count 392
Publisher Cobogó
ISBN 978-65-5691-123-6
Cover Daniel Trench
Design Mari Taboada
Format: Softcover**
Size 14 x 21
Year 2023

República em notas
República em notas
República em notas
República em notas
República em notas
República em notas
República em notas
República em notas
República em notas
República em notas
República em notas
República em notas





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