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Partida is the second play written by actress, theater director and playwright Inez Viana, author of A última peça (2018). On the stage, two artists talk about the play then intend to create. Their inspiration is recently-found 30-year-old letter written by one of the character’s mother, in which she ends a relationships after watching, in 1999, the play Partido, Grupo Galpão’s adaptation of Italo Calvino’s The Cloven Viscount.

Permeated by multiple timestamps from the country and the world, Partida investigates, with humor and grace, the power of art and theater in each of our lives.

The book features additional writing by Marcio Abreu and Inês Peixoto, and afterwords by Denise Stutz and Bem Medeiros, the play’s originator and producer, respectively. The play is directed by Debora Lamm.
“Amidst the pandemic, when death was an issue, Partida suggested and still suggests life inside language, opening a way into the imagination not only as a refuge, but as a landscape: a place for life and creation”, Marcio Abreu.

“Art’s perpetual motion always surprises us. The power of art, of germinating in someone and blossoming transformed into a different seed. ‘In nature, nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything is transformed.’ I would claim this alchemic beauty expressed by Lavoisier is part of the essence of theater. […] A woman was moved after watching Galpão, and a letter moves three women artists towards a creative process”, Inês Peixoto.

About the author
Inez Viana, born in Rio de Janeiro in 1965, is an actress and theater director, with a bachelor’s degree in Arts and a graduate degree in Theater Direction from Instituto CAL, in Rio de Janeiro. In 2010, she was one of the founders of Cia OmondÉ, with eight produced plays, four of which have been published by Cobogó: Mata teu pai (2017), by Grace Passô, Infância, tiros e plumas (2015), by Jô Bilac, Nem mesmo todo o oceano (2013), by Alcione Araújo, adapted by Inez Viana, and Os mamutes (2012), by Jô Bilac. She has directed over 18 plays and, in 2007, she debuted her solo A mulher que escreveu a Bíblia, Thereza Falcão’s adaptation of Moacyr Scliar’s novel. In 2015, she participated in Hanoch Levin’s Krum, directed by Marcio Abreu, and, in 2017, in Antônio Prata’s Nu de botas, de Antônio Prata, directed by Cristina Moura. She directed the documentary Cavalgada à Pedra do Reino (2000), whose main narrator is writer Ariano Suassuna. She produced Primeiro Festival Ariano Suassuna (2001, RJ), Encontro com Ariano Suassuna (in partnership with Sesc Rio, 2004), and curated the event in honor of the writer’s 80th birthday, produced by Sarau Agência de Cultura, when he gave a play-class at the Rio de Janeiro Theatro Municipal. She has been nominated three times for the Shell award (once for best actress, and twice for best director), twice for the APTR (once for best actress, and once for best director), once for Questão de Crítica (best director), and won two Contigo awards for best show, one Questão de Crítica for best cast, one Qualidade Brasil for best actress, and one FITA for best director. She published her first play, A última peça, with Cobogó, in 2018. Partida is her second play.

About the collection
The Dramaturgia collection has, since 2012, published writing by Brazilian and international playwrights. The books help in building a memory of current theater, making a new record in the contemporary theater scene. In 2015, Cobogó also launched Dramaturgia Espanhola, the Spanish collection, in 2019, Dramaturgia Francesa, the French collection, and, in 2022, Dramaturgia Holandesa, the Dutch collection. Over 70 important theater authors have been published, with over 100 titles, including various award-winning plays.

Partida | Cloven
Partida | Cloven
Partida | Cloven
Partida | Cloven
Partida | Cloven
Partida | Cloven
Partida | Cloven
Partida | Cloven
Partida | Cloven
Partida | Cloven
Partida | Cloven
Partida | Cloven





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