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Milton Nascimento e Lô Borges: Clube da Esquina

The book tells how was created the album Clube da Esquina, born from the partnership between singer-songwriters Milton Nascimento and Lô Borges. The songs celebrating friendship and the love of the land carry in them the spirit of Minas Gerais, where the group of friends began meeting, in the 1960s, brought together by music. Released in 1972 and considered to this day one of the most important MPB albums, Clube da Esquina was recorded in a moment in which artistic creation exploded at the seams of a country deep in dictatorship. Names such as Márcio Borges – Lô’s oldest brother –, Fernando Brant, Ronaldo Bastos and Beto Guedes were also part of friends from the “corner club” and of the creative core of the album which brought generations together to compose an original and authentic sound, which became the soundtrack for the 1970s.

About the artists
Milton Nascimento, aka Bituca, is one of the greatest singers and composers in Brazil and the world. Milton was born in 1942 in Rio de Janeiro and moved at a young age to Minas Gerais, the state he adopted as his own. It was in Belo Horizonte where he met the musicians who became his career partners. With over thirty recorded albums and five Grammys, the author of “Travessia” sang and recorded with the biggest names in Brazilian music.

Lô Borges is one of the most influent Brazilian composers. Born in Minas Gerais in 1952, he was part of the group of Minas artists Clube da Esquina, alongside Milton Nascimento. Among his better-known compositions, some highlights are “Paisagem da janela”, “Clube da Esquina n. 2” and “Trem azul”.

About the author
Paulo Thiago de Mello is a journalist and a Doctor in Anthropology. He works at O Globo newspaper and as a researcher at LeMetro (Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Ethnography Lab), at IFCS/UFRJ. He coauthored, alongside José Octávio Sebadelhe, Memória afetiva do botequim carioca (Affective memory of the Rio de Janeiro pub).

About the collection
Editora Cobogó has been publishing books on music since 2014. In the collection The Book of the Album import records are dissected revealing stories behind the creation of the album, recordings, composing, concerts, production. Each book presents a different great album with a singular perspective written by writers, journalists and music lovers.

Collection O Livro do Disco
Artists Milton Nascimento and Lô Borges
Author Paulo Thiago de Mello
Language Portuguese
Page count 128
ISBN 9788555910500
Cover Radiográfico
Format Softcover
Size 13 x 19 cm
Year 2018

Milton Nascimento e Lô Borges: Clube da Esquina | Milton Nascimento e Lô Borges: Clube da Esquina
Milton Nascimento e Lô Borges: Clube da Esquina | Milton Nascimento e Lô Borges: Clube da Esquina
Milton Nascimento e Lô Borges: Clube da Esquina | Milton Nascimento e Lô Borges: Clube da Esquina
Milton Nascimento e Lô Borges: Clube da Esquina | Milton Nascimento e Lô Borges: Clube da Esquina
Milton Nascimento e Lô Borges: Clube da Esquina | Milton Nascimento e Lô Borges: Clube da Esquina
Milton Nascimento e Lô Borges: Clube da Esquina | Milton Nascimento e Lô Borges: Clube da Esquina





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