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Hans Ulrich Obrist: Brazilian Interviews Vol. 1

Hans Ulrich Obrist, the London’s Serpentine Gallery director and curator, has been traveling the world for the past 30 years, recording his conversations with artists and thinkers around themes that go beyond visual arts and feed into discussions about creativity, inventivity and the construction of the future of culture and society. In Hans Ulrich Obrist: Brazilian Interviews Vol. 1, the Obrist presents a selection of 36 interviews with artists and intellectuals, pioneers of different fields of knowledge, who were born in Brazil or have adopted the country as their homebase for working through their lives.

Interviews with: Abraham Palatnik, Anna Bella Geiger, Anna Maria Maiolino, Antonio Manuel, Arrigo Barnabé, Arto Lindsay, Artur Barrio, Augusto de Campos, Caetano Veloso, Cildo Meireles, Claudia Andujar, Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Emanoel Araujo, Ferreira Gullar, Frans Krajcberg, Frederico Morais and Wilma Martins, Iole de Freitas, José Celso Martinez Corrêa, Judith Lauand, Lorenzo Mammì, Lygia Pape, Miguel Rio Branco, Nelson Leirner, Oscar Niemeyer, Paulo Bruscky, Paulo Herkenhoff, Paulo Mendes da Rocha, Peter Pál Pelbart, Ruy Guerra, Sonia Andrade, Tom Zé, Tunga, Walter Zanini, Waltercio Caldas, Wanda Pimentel, Wlademir Dias-Pino.

About the author
Hans Ulrich Obrist is a curator and art historian. He was born in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1968. He’s currently the Artistic Director at the Serpentine Gallery, in London. In the past thirty years, he has worked as an independent curator, and as a curator for the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris. He has organised over 100 international exhibitions, such as Utopia Station at the 50th Venice Biennale (2003), and Cities on the Move (1999), a multidisciplinary itinerant show beginning in Bangkok, Thailand. He’s the author of The Interview Project, where he records interviews with artists and intellectuals from various countries about different areas of knowledge. A vast selection of the conversations with thinkers from around the world is found in the collection Hans Ulrich Obrist – Interviews, published by Cobogó in six volumes, from 2009 to 2012.

Author Hans Ulrich Obrist
Editors Isabel Diegues and Márcia Fortes
Translators 4 Estações, Alyne Azuma, Daniela Cerdeira, Fernanda Mello, Manoel Giffoni, Renata Sammer, Eliana Aguiar
Language Portuguese
Page count 576
ISBN 9788555910678
Cover Bloco Gráfico
Format Softcover
Size 19 x 25 cm
Year 2018

Hans Ulrich Obrist – Entrevistas brasileiras vol. 1 | Hans Ulrich Obrist: Brazilian Interviews Vol. 1
Hans Ulrich Obrist – Entrevistas brasileiras vol. 1 | Hans Ulrich Obrist: Brazilian Interviews Vol. 1
Hans Ulrich Obrist – Entrevistas brasileiras vol. 1 | Hans Ulrich Obrist: Brazilian Interviews Vol. 1
Hans Ulrich Obrist – Entrevistas brasileiras vol. 1 | Hans Ulrich Obrist: Brazilian Interviews Vol. 1
Hans Ulrich Obrist – Entrevistas brasileiras vol. 1 | Hans Ulrich Obrist: Brazilian Interviews Vol. 1
Hans Ulrich Obrist – Entrevistas brasileiras vol. 1 | Hans Ulrich Obrist: Brazilian Interviews Vol. 1





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